Burgering at Bonnie's Place

Posted by Dr. James McSaddle | Labels: , | Posted On Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Bloody Mary's, Brownies, & Burgering at Bonnie's Place
West Of East Lansing's Best Known Burger

Official Rating: 3.75/5

Bonnie's Place, like many other establishments in the Capitol Area, claims to have the best burger in Lansing. But they won't tell you which one they think it is. The Western, the Southwestern,the Jerk, the Bacon and Bleu Cheese, the Aloha, and the Bonnie's are among the twenty-three burger choices available at this bar and restaurant west of East Lansing.

Located near a Burger King, a Rally's and an A&W, Bonnie's offers an atmosphere that includes a bar and accommodates those who want to enjoy their burgers with company and maybe a beer; perhaps while catching the Spartans, Lions, Tigers,Pistons or Red Wings on one of Bonnie's several screens.

They might even show Wimbledon if it's the right time of year. I wouldn't count on World Cup Soccer.

But, unlike Crunchy's and a lot of other places near campus, Bonnie's Place caters to a clientele that consists largely of the permanent and long time residents of the Lansing area, which is evident in its Sunday crowd. Many of them make their living at GM, others downtown near the state capitol, and some are are bootleggers for light recreational drugs.

Although it isn't much to look at from the outside at its location near the corner of Cedar and Saginaw, those who go to Bonnie's regularly are attracted to the warmth that is obvious when they first walk inside. A more uppity crowd might not jive with its wood paneled interior, the cushioned brown vinyl bar stools, the matching booths, and the walls lined with bar mirrors.

Bonnie's met our expectations on its interior experience by offering an unpretentious and comfortable dining experience.

Although I usually object to restaurants that serve Pepsi products over Coke, I will admit that their diner style "Pepsi-Cola" glasses were the best vessel for my Mountain Dew. I would have ordered the $3.00 Bloody Mary, which Erik and Amber rated highly, but I forgot my I.D.

"It could have been stronger, but for three bucks, I can't complain". said Amber.

"They put olives and a pickle in it, they aren't messing around," said Erik, Adding, " I was really satisfied with the three dollar Bloody Mary".

I tried a sip of Amber's cocktail for myself, and I'll say it's exactly how I like to make a Bloody Mary, which is no simple feat. Usually they are too thin, but sometimes they are too thick or just flat in flavor. Sometimes I get one that doesn't have enough ice, or one that's made with generic tomato juice and bottom shelf vodka. But Bonnie's Place got the Bloody Mary right, and next time I come I'll have my I.D.

Our server, perhaps because she sympathized with the situation regarding my misplaced driver's licence, was quick to offer refills on my Mountain Dew; which is good for you because it lowers your Sperm Count. It is, in fact, the number one contraceptive in Mexico.

Where expectations were met on the atmosphere and the quality of the drinks, there were different views on the burgers.

The server double checked every order as she wrote it down and made sure we knew that half pound burgers with toasted buns are the norm at Bonnie's.

The toasted buns are especially important, because they are very similar to the buns that Crunchy's uses, but they held the burger together better. Bonnie's also claims that they serve "steak burgers". I dislike the use of ironic quotations, but my guess is that "steak burger" isn't a term backed up by any FDA standard or criterion.

"It was at least seasoned well, and there was a generous portion of fries," said Nate, who ordered the Southwestern Burger.

He added, "The patty itself tasted artificial and processed, the texture wasn't natural, so only a '2' overall".

Erik was more satisfied with his Bacon and Bleu Cheese burger. "It had a great flavor. It was cooked right (medium) but it wasn't too greasy," he said.

He added, "Toasting the bun is key. The large portion of fries helps to improve the value of the order".

Molly also had good things to say about her Aloha Burger, which consists of green pepper, tomato, and mozzarella. She added bacon at an additional charge.

"It was an interesting enough flavor combination," she said. "The bacon was an expensive addition, about $2.00"

"They give you lots of fries, I like that," added Molly.

Amber didn't think her Baby Bonnie's Burger was exceptional. It is a quarter pound version of the half-pound Bonnie Burger, which includes American and Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, mustard, and a quarter pound of shaved ham.

"It seemed to be a pre-formed patty, probably from GFS, the toppings made this unremarkable burger better," she said.

Adding, "I think I'd rather have a sandwich with just this ham".

I had a lot of mixed feelings about Bonnie's. Our server, whose name I failed to write down, was excellent. She helped us with our order, showed an enthusiasm for the food, and she made sure that we got everything we needed. She offered me refills on my Mountain Dew faster than I could drink them. I hate when I have to flag down a server for basic things, and this one did a great job. Bonnie's does well above average on service based on E.L.B.C.'s experience.

They could have given me half as many fries, but I ate them all. They were pretty damn good.

I ordered the Jamaican Jerk burger. When the server brought it to my table, Erik said, "A jerk for a jerk," which was kind of a dick thing to say.

I presumed that because I was eating jerk and that I am a jerk that he must eat dick, because he is a dick. But that wasn't on the menu. Not at Bonnie's.

The Jerk Burger was cooked in Jamaican jerk seasoning and an onion ring. It would have been better with a Red Stripe, but the I.D. issue prevented this flavor pairing.

Everyone liked the fries and the solid portions that are served; although the onion ring on my burger was tasty. It made me want to order a basket. I wanted to try more.

Bonnie's also serves stuffed olives and other goodies. This establishment would be wise to publish a menu online, perhaps on CampusFood.com.

I don't have an orthodox aversion to pre-formed patties, they can do the trick. But, Bonnie's Place claims to have the best burger in Lansing, and you just can't do that with a meat disc from Gordon's Food Service or Sysco. It makes me wonder if they serve the dreaded House Recipe Ketchup. When you're given evidence that the restaurant is skimping on something this crucial, you wonder where else they skimp and ultimately you wonder what you're paying for.

Bonnie's has a lot going for it, but they should consider a re-evaluation of its choice of meat.
That's probably good advice for us all.

On the plus side, Bonnie's serves dessert. We had a choice between Coconut Cream Pie and a Brownie Sundae. Amber, Molly, and Nate each ordered the latter. Everyone tried it and had several bites. But, most of us agreed that it was like the burger meat, pre-formed and unimpressive. This is the down side.

Nate said it tasted like it was a GFS Sundae. I felt like it tasted of the Little Debbie Fudge Brownies that I used to get for 25¢ at the gas station. Anyone with brownie mix, and a moderately priced carton of ice cream could have done better.

Bonnie's should consider baking some of its own desserts.

Bonnie's meets and exceeds expectations in so many ways. This good place to eat could be a great place to eat if they improved some of the food. Not until then will Bonnie's have the best burger in Lansing.

The best is out there, but our search continues.

Update: I tried contacting Bonnie's for more information about their burger patties, but they never got back to me. I will assume the worst. - Erik

ELBC Score Board: Overall Experience

Nate: 2
Erik: 4.5
Molly: 4
Amber: 3
David: 3


Tabulated Numerical Burger Enjoyment Scale

: 4.25

These "steakburgers" are cooked medium well unless you ask otherwise.

Freshness/Topping Quality: 4

Bonnie's offers a lot of choices of toppings. Many of us agreed we would try a new one each time, but not all of us would go back.

Bun: 3.75

The same as Crunchy's, but toasted.

Price: 2.75

1/2 lb burgers ranged from 7.25 to 8.50, and 1/4 lb burgers ranged from $5.50 to $7.50. Making a burger "deluxe" costs 50¢, and includes mayo, lettuce and tomato. The Burger Special, which no one ordered includes a quarter pound burger with french fries and a domestic draft for $6.50.

Patty Seasoning/Flavor: 3

The seasoning and flavor was good, but the pre-formed patty was a turnoff for a lot of us, especially for a place that claims to have Lansing's best burger.

Speed: 4.25

Likability: 4.5

The service was exceptional.

Accommodation of Special Requests: 5

Appearance: 3.25

Ambiance: 3

Crowd: 3.25
Cleanliness: 3.75
Burger: 3.5
Service: 4.5
Restaurant: 3.5
Overall value: 3.5
Overall Rating: 3.25
Official Rating: 3.75/5


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